may look laa pulakkkk.....hehehe JOMMM join menda nih......
register FREE JER....tarakkk kene bayo
so pasni kalau nak search apa2 kat internet,korang leh laa gunakan My LOOK nih...dia sama mcm search engine lain gakkkkss
setiap search sehingga 5 search sehari akan dibayar secara SHARE....nak joinnn klikkkk icon tu okay... thankssss
'For each successful signup we'll give YOU 5 shares AND 20% of that persons shares! That's a whole days worth of searching and more, with no limit! Simply email the following link to your friends, or post it on twitter or facebook and when people join up, you'll be rewarded!'
sooo sila klikkk sini....
3 ulasan:
macam nuffnang ke faizaharis
jgn lupa dtg blog mr bam update berat latest ye..:)
ahaaa cam nuffnangg...
wokayy esok saya timbangg...uhuuuuu takotsss
wei.. camner nak add benda alah ni kat blog aku ek?? aku dah register dah..
ajar laa...
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